Friday, February 7, 2020

Important points of housekeeping department

Housekeeping Daily Routine Tasks Check-list

-Room re-made and cleaned efficiently.

-Allotted daily service completed by 6:00 PM (Timings depend upon hotel type)

-No items were removed from the guest room unless placed in the trash basket.

-All flooring was swept/vacuumed.

-Mirrors/pictures were free from dust and smudges.

-Lamps, bulbs, shades and switches were free from dust, hair, streaks and fingerprints.

-All bulbs, TV, Hair Dryer, Ipad / Ipod / Mobile Docking station were functional.

-Bed tightly and neatly made.

-Guest money, jewellery, mobile, laptops, valuables and personal items left untouched.

-Newspapers and magazines were stacked and left in plain view.

-Guest clothing found on the bed or floor were folded and placed on bed or chair, clothing left on furniture was folded and left in place.

-Shoes were paired and placed to the side.

-All stationery and supplies restocked to par levels.

-Laundry bag and order form were replaced and neatly presented.

-All trash cans were emptied.

-Sink, counter and mirror were wiped clean and spotless.

-Tub and shower cleaned, no debris, dust, spots, stains or hair.

-Toilet cleaned, no debris, dust, spots, stains or hair.

-Used linens were removed and replaced.

-Bathroom paper supplies restocked and Tissues re-pointed.

-Glasses washed or replaced, Coffee machine set up, cleaned and restocked.

-All Interior windows and window sills were free of dust, hair, streaks and fingerprints.

Appropriate lighting was left on and TV channel reset to welcome screen.

Spa Therapist / Masseur Service Standard Audit

-The therapist was available at the reserved time.

-Therapist acknowledged guest with eye contact and smile within 10 feet.

-A polite greeting, the offer of assistance, etc. was made within 5 feet.

-The guest name was known and used a minimum of two times.

-Details of the treatment was described to the guest.

-Staff inquired about health related issues and skin allergies in regards to treatment.

-The therapist could answer questions about products used.

-The de-robing process was described and guest was offered privacy.

-The guest was appropriately covered with towels or drapings.

-Staff asked the amount of pressure that was preferred.

-Therapist inquired if the temperature was comfortable.

-Special requests were met with an everything is the possible attitude.

-Therapist inquired about guest comfort.

-If guest initiated conversation, staff engaged in unobtrusive conversation.

-Treatment was free of interruptions and noise from outside the room.

-Treatment lasted for the advertised duration.

-Staff announced treatment was finished and asked guest to relax.

-Upon completion, therapist ascertained guest’s satisfaction.

-Therapist offered refreshments to the guest.

-Advised to drink lots of water and to move slowly for a short period of time.

-The guest was escorted back to the locker/changing area after treatment.

-Staff aware if guest purchased scheduled package treatments.

-The therapist was the last to speak, offered thanks or offer of additional assistance.

-Therapist well groomed, uniformed, name tag was present.

-Staff did not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum.

Lobby and Public Area Cleanliness Checklist

The reception desk was organised, free of clutter, free of dust and debris.

Hotel lobby was attractive in design, in good condition, free of dust and debris.

Décor was fresh in appearance and of a high standard.

If floral decorations were present, they were fresh in appearance.

Fabrics were free of stains and in excellent repair.

Furnishings were well maintained; free of dust, scuffs, markings and of high quality.

The floor was free of spots, stains and debris.

Flooring was in an excellent state of repair, not worn in appearance.

All Windows and doors were in good condition free of prints, smudges and free of damage.

Walls and ceilings were free of spots, dust and debris.

Walls, ceilings were in good condition, free of damage.

Building interior had consistently comfortable air temperature, no unpleasant odours.

Lobby Music / Channel Music was clear and audible, with excellent sound quality.

Lighting was adequate, and of perfect working order, no burned out bulbs.

Corridor surfaces were free of dust and smudges, mirrors were free of streaks.

Corridor carpets in good condition, free of debris, stains free of rips, tears and wear. 

Corridor curtains and windows were free of dust, smudges, streaks and stains.

Corridor curtains were in good condition, free of rips, tears and damage. 

House telephones functioned properly; Scribbling Pads/Pencils were available.

Guest Elevator cars in good condition, functioned responsively, had no spots, stains, smudges or debris.

Guest Elevator Emergency Telephone working properly, channel music audible and clear.

Public restroom décor was of high standard and free of unpleasant odours. 

Music was clearly audible in public restroom, with excellent sound quality.

Public restroom floors free of dirt and debris.

Public restroom wallpaper/tiles were free of holes and chips.

Public restroom countertops were in good condition, free of damage, sinks were dry and free of spots, stains and hair.

Public restroom faucets and fixtures were in good condition and free of damage, free of spots and rust.

Public restroom mirrors in good condition, free of spots, streaks, free of cracks and chips.

Public restroom partitions were clean and free of dust, streaks and debris.

Public restrooms urinals, toilets and tank in good condition; seats not loose, free of spots, debris and stains. 

The liquid soap dispenser was stocked with soap and paper tissues; free of dust and debris.

Turndown / Evening Service Checklist

Turndown / Evening Service performed routinely or as per request for long stayers.

Suite and Executive floor rooms service provided automatically.

In case guest requested, service was also provided on subsequent nights.

Service provided within quoted hours, or reasonable evening time frame.

No items were removed from guest room unless placed in trash receptacle.

All trash receptacles were emptied.

All flooring was swept / vacuumed.

One bedside light was left on, curtains were closed.

Ice bucket, ashtrays and glassware were removed and replaced as necessary.

Turndown fold was neat, And In-Room Dining Breakfast Pre-Order menu was positioned; along with Turndown amenity (Chocolate / Flower)

In case room rate includes breakfast in the coffee shop, then a In-Room Dining Breakfast menu card or door knob menu card  is not provided.

Money, jewellery, valuables, laptop, mobile, electronic devices and personal items left untouched.

Newspapers and magazines were stacked and left in plain view.

Guest clothing found on the bed or floor were folded and placed on bed or chair, clothing left on furniture was folded and left in place.

Sink, counter and mirror were wiped clean and spotless.

Tub and shower cleaned, no debris, dust, spots, stains or hair.

Toilet cleaned, no debris, dust, spots, stains or hair.

Used linens were removed and replaced with Linen where colours were consistent, not worn, damaged or stained.

All Amenities replenished to par levels and Bathroom paper supplies restocked.

Toiletries were arranged on a clean, flat wash cloth, similar to guest’s placement. And Tissues are re-pointed.

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